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I discovered Spiritualism shortly before my husband passed in 2003. I then realized the “imaginary friends” my disabled daughter talked to each evening were actually the spirits of our deceased loved ones. My first book, If You Plant Roses, You Don’t Get Carnations: An Introduction to Spiritualism, was published in 2008.
My twin sister and I had planned to write this book together before the angels came and she joined them in Heaven. We still did, as she said we would in her first message to me from her new world, “by meeting halfway on the stairway to Heaven.”
In the same message, Terri described her transformation to spirit. "I saw the accident because I was already out of the car when it happened. I was floating above the car with the angels. I didn't feel any pain or suffering. I felt nothing but peace as my spirit left my body. There was a swirl of energy surrounding me; my energy became encompassed and encased into that energy. It was a breath of the fresh air I had longed for, for so long. A weary soul was able to return home fulfilled."
We were all born with the innate ability to see and hear angels and the spirits of our deceased loved ones. We played with them. We talked with them. We were friends with them. Unfortunately, for most of us, the adults in our life didn't remember their childhood friends. They told us that these beings were imaginary because they could no longer see or hear them. When we stopped talking to them, our friends went away. They were still around us; we just could not see or hear them anymore. And because we could not see or hear them, we accepted the mistaken belief that we need to see or hear something for it to exist.
For Terri, much of her existence is still the same. She continues to take classes and serve God in her new home. She had reunited with family and friends who lined up to welcome her when she arrived on the Other Side.
She has not forgotten the family she left behind on the Earth Plane. She is still very much a part of our lives. She has flickered lights and gifted pennies and feathers. She has visited various family members in different ways, such as a white or yellow butterfly, a dragonfly, and even a little green frog! She has come to all of us in our dreams. Her youngest grandchildren can still see and talk with her while the rest of our family works to re-develop our lost abilities.
In Connect with Heaven: Talk to Angels, Contact Spirit, Spiritual Gifts, you will find methods to re-discover your lost gifts of communicating with angels and the deceased, along with dozens of riveting, first-hand accounts of spiritual experiences.
What would you ask a loved one in Heaven? What would they tell you about their new world?
To purchase a copy, please contact Cindy Christman at cagc59@gmail.com.
Or visit https://www.amazon.com/Connect-Heaven-Angels-Contact-Spiritual/dp/1977222331
The cost of paperback is $19.95. If purchased on Amazon, a Kindle version is $5.99.