Unity Grateful Gardeners


Grateful Gardners

Tom and Diane Spence head our volunteer Grateful Gardeners group, which lovingly tends to our beautiful, environmentally friendly gardens.

Now, the City of Westlake has taken notice! One of our many gardens is a butterfly garden on the edge of our labyrinth.

The project coordinator, Susan Baker, presented Diane with a sign that marks the garden as an official Westlake Pollinator Project Pollinator Area.

The city and the Westlake Garden Club are working with the community to create a pollinator corridor throughout Westlake, recognizing the importance of natural habitats. "It is an act of love to be able to work with our hands to create a healthy environment for God's creatures," Diane Spence said of the pollinator garden. For more information on the Pollinator Project, please click here to read the story in the Sun News.

You'll often find Tom and Diane in the gardens, typically late morning on various weekdays. Help is always welcome! It's a wonderful way to help keep our grounds beautiful, get exercise, and have fun with your church family.

Grateful GardnersTom and Diane arrange a Nehemiah Work Day when many hands are needed for a project on our grounds. Nehemiah was a Jewish leader who supervised the rebuilding of Jerusalem in the mid-fifth century B.C. He prayed for help. Many people came out, each doing their small part, and rebuilt Jerusalem together.

Nehemiah Work Days are on a Saturday, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Join your church family in beautifying our grounds! This is your opportunity to provide sacred service to your church in just one day! Come for an hour or two or all day—whatever works for you. Bring your gloves, rakes, shovels, and a wheelbarrow if you have one. Coffee, tea, and water are provided. There is no need to sign up; just show up!

Contact Diane at dianetfr@aol.com for more information on helping out during the week or Nehemiah Days.

Please be advised that photographs and video footage may be taken during these events. These images may be used by Unity Spiritual Center Westlake for promotional purposes in various media, including social media, websites, and printed materials. By attending these events, you consent to being photographed and filmed and to the use of your image in these media. Thank you for your cooperation.