As a community, we pray together Monday to Friday at 8:00 a.m. We invite our entire community to join us for this prayer call which lasts approximately 10 minutes. One of our prayer chaplains or a congregation member leads the prayer; you do not need to say anything unless you choose.
To participate:
Call (267) 807-9500.
When prompted, enter access code 559110#
Unity's Theme, Affirmation, Scripture, and Prayer
The Unity monthly theme for February 2025 is Love.
Affirmation: My thoughts, words, and actions reveal my loving nature.
Scripture: If we love one another, God lives in us. - 1 John 4:12.
Prayer: I affirm that my thoughts, words, and actions reflect the boundless love of God within me, flowing freely and generously to all. As I express love, I create harmony and unity with the whole of creation, knowing that I am connected to all beings through divine love. I call forth this love in myself and others, allowing its healing power to strengthen my heart, mind, and spirit. In this truth, I embrace the unlimited possibilities of love, knowing that we are all one in spirit, guided by the infinite presence of God. (Written by Prayer Chaplain Laurie Grimes)
Audio Recordings
There are three ways to listen to an audio recording of a call.
You can call the playback number at (717) 908-1041. When prompted, enter the access code 559110#.
Recordings are posted on our Community Facebook Page. Please click here to visit or join.
Below are audio recordings of our recent prayer calls, with the most recent at the bottom of the list.