We welcome individuals of every ethnicity, language, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, economic status, occupation, and faith background into our spiritual community. In Unity, the LGBTQ+ community is not just embraced by us; they are us. We recognize that everyone is equally loved and accepted by God because God is in each one of us. We honor all committed relationships and families and welcome anyone with a genuine desire to celebrate, grow, transform and serve with us.
At Unity Spiritual Center, we know that we are responsible for making a positive difference in the world by being an example and role model of Jesus’s teachings. Together, we hold the vision to be love in action, honoring the Divine within all.
Unity Worldwide Ministries published a Statement of Diversity in 1995; it was updated in 2016. “The living heart of Unity understands and manifests its support of this Divinity by recognizing inherent good in all people. Unity Worldwide Ministries, its members, and affiliates welcome with love all people in every form of God’s creation, regardless of how that creation presents itself. It is the intent that Unity organizations are inclusive and non-discriminatory. We honor all components that contribute to the diversity of the community. We affirm and support Unity principles and programs that manifest diversity in our teachings, policies, buildings, and within our communities. We are resolute in walking the course of human rights and social justice for all.”
One Humanity. Many Stories