Welcome to Unity Spiritual Center Westlake
Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual's right to choose a spiritual path.
Our Sunday Service is at 11 a.m. Join us in person or via livestream.
You'll find us livestream on YouTube and Facebook. Learn More
Amplify your Sunday Spiritual Experience!
9:30 - 10:30 New Thought Café in the Spirit Room. Learn More
10:35 - 10:50 Group Meditation in the Chapel. Learn More
11:00 - 12:00 Sunday Service in Unity Hall.
11:00 - 12:00 Youth and Family Ministry in the Elementary School classroom. Learn More
12:00 - 12:30 Individual Prayer with a Prayer Chaplain in the Sanctuary.
12:10 - 12:30 Coffee and fellowship in the Community Room. Donations of baked goods or store-bought goodies are always welcome.
Growing Through Grief is held monthly, every second Sunday, at 12:30 p.m. in Unity Hall. Learn More
Our Healing Circle is held monthly, every third Sunday, at 12:30 p.m. in Unity Hall. Learn More
Queer Connect is held monthly, every fourth Sunday at 6 p.m. Learn More
Find out about all our ongoing and special social and spiritual activities. Learn More
When you share a gift with Unity Spiritual Center Westlake, whether in your regular giving practice or your long-term estate or financial plans, you will help ensure that we will be here to carry out our mission for years to come. Donate Now
Sunday, March 9 to Sunday, April 6
Tools for the Journey - A Lenten Series
The biblical model of 40 speaks to journeys inevitable to every human incarnation. Join us as we explore five practices as intuited by early church leaders – five tools that have value to lend as we sojourn from “what has been” to “what will be.”
March 9: Fast (Lighten up)
March 16: Give (Open up) Musical guest for March 16 is Barb Clugh
March 23: Pray (Listen up) Musical guest for March 23 are Bonnie and Jerry
March 30: Repent (Look up)
April 6: Forgive (Open Up) Black Stone Ceremony.
Rev. Richard's Black Stone Ceremony is distilled from Persian folklore in which a black stone was believed to absorb regrets, hurts, incompletions, and other attachments as spoken over it by its holder. So, gather your attachments and bring them all to USC on Sunday, April 6th! Grab your black stone, speak your words, and enjoy the freedom of this latest Lenten practice - forgiveness.
All are welcome!
Sunday, April 13 and April 20
Celebrate Easter with Us!
April 13, 2025: Palm Sunday
Walking the path of Christ Consciousness
The journey from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday speaks to the very heart of the Judeo-Christian message – that we are required to die to the old that we might be born to the new. It was the journey of Jesus yesterday. It is the journey of us today. And even from its beginning, victory is its promise. All are welcome.
April 17, 2025: Holy Thursday Service
Please click here for details
April 20, 2025: Easter Sunday
Easter Service 11 a.m.
Easter is an an opportunity to reflect on the example of Jesus Christ—not just as a historical figure, but as a model for spiritual growth. The Easter story serves as a powerful reminder that no matter the hardships we face, they do not define our ultimate reality. Instead, we are called to rise above appearances, embrace our inner divinity, and trust in the divine plan unfolding in our lives.
A highlight of the service will be the Living Cross, also known as The Flowering Cross—a beloved tradition symbolizing transformation and rebirth. Congregants will have the opportunity to place fresh flowers on a bare wooden cross that, when assembled, turns into a vibrant, living symbol of resurrection and new life. This powerful visual representation of renewal beautifully captures the essence of the Easter message, illustrating the journey from struggle to spiritual awakening.
Noon to 7 p.m.
Easter Day of Prayer
The cross will remain throughout the day for individual reflection, prayer, and meditation.
Come anytime
6 p.m.
Easter Potluck
All are welcome to return for an Easter potluck meal starting at 6 p.m.
Please bring a dish to share.
Registration is requested to arrange beverages and seating arrangements.
Please click here for the registration page.
Meet our 2025 Prayer Chaplain team! Pictured left to right: Botton Row: Donna Foote, Kathy Ginter, Peggy Ryel, Shannon Hoff-Smith, Kimberly Buehner, Smokie Stuver. Second row: Jan Bayne, Pam McCue, Ellen Severson, Vivian Baith. Top row: Susan Armstrong, Shannon Sabol, Karen Kazsmer, Joanne Gerhart, Deb Larsen, our Prayer Ministries Director Terri Buehner. Not pictured: Laurie Grimes, Cheri Polk, and Margie Samosky. Photo by Bonnie Chase.

Sunday Service Archives
If you would like to receive written transcripts of Rev. Richard's teachings following each Sunday service, simply write RevRichard@UnitySpiritualCenter.com and request inclusion.
You will find video archives of past Sunday Services on our main Facebook page, Unity Spiritual Center Westlake, and our YouTube page.
Our Sunday Service runs live on Facebook, starting at about 9:50. After that it can be found by scrolling down to the date or entering "Sunday Service" In the search bar at the top of the page. Visit our Facebook page. Please note, starting in July 2025 Facebook live videos will no longer be archived on this platform.
Our Sunday Service archives do not appear immediately on YouTube. The archives usually appear on our YouTube page on Monday and are in date order. Enter "Unity Spiritual Center Westlake" in the search bar at the top of YouTube.com. Visit our YouTube Page.
Photos by David Schwartz Photography
Please be advised that photographs and video footage may be taken during Services. These images may be used by Unity Spiritual Center Westlake for promotional purposes in various media, including social media, websites, and printed materials. By attending this event, you consent to being photographed and filmed and to the use of your image in these media. Thank you for your cooperation.