Sacred Service Volunteering

Get Involved at Unity Spiritual Center

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A positive spiritual lifestyle involves more than just attending weekly services. It is also about creating a community through loving service as we allow our inner light to shine. We build relationships based on our Unity teachings and principles by sharing our unique talents and gifts.

At Unity Spiritual Center, we understand the sacred responsibility we all share to make a positive difference through personal example and sacred service in our communities and our world. Serving others supports you in deepening your spiritual understanding, practicing your spiritual teachings and principles with those committed to spiritual maturity, and embracing our total connectedness to one another. Together, we can co-create a world that works for all!

We have a dynamic Sacred Service program and would love to support you in finding your place as we build a vibrant and growing community.

Did you know that Sacred Service is an important part of our community at USC?

  • Unity's fifth Principle is "Through thoughts, words, and actions, we do our best by living the Truth we know."
  • One of USC’s Core Values is Service
  • USC's Vision Statement is "We are love in action, honoring the Divine within all."
  • USC's Membership Commitment is Service.

There are many opportunities for you to say “YES” to what is yours to do!  Contact the Team Leader of the group you are interested in for more information on how your special talents can serve USC. 

Audio Visual - Michele Coles,

An AV helper will like playing video games or working on a computer. Everything can be taught if there is an interest. We like enthusiasm, consistency, and willingness! The technician will be scheduled one Sunday a month or more as they are able. Sacred service time is between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. and possibly some other events and days. Tasks include advancing slides, running the projector, helping with sound, and occasionally running the livestream. 

Board of Trustees - President Greg Skuderin,

Building and Grounds - Eileen Spada,

If you would enjoy repairing and maintaining our building, have a special skill like plumbing or electrical work, or can help make our building look beautiful by running the sweeper, cleaning up, or watering the plants, this is the team for you. A few hours can make a wonderful difference in keeping our spiritual home looking clean, tidy, and in good repair. 

Community Group Facebook page - Michele Coles,

Community LuncheonRoberta McLaughlin,

Like working in the kitchen? Like working on events? We need some people to help set up and clean up the lunch part of the Lunch and Learn. Can take turns and commit to one or two Tuesdays during the year. Tasks include making coffee, setting the room with a theme or décor, setting out dishes, and cleaning up dishes, tables, and counters.

Community Outreach (Love in Action) - Linda Szulc,

The Community Outreach Team is committed to spreading the love and support of the USC Community for those in need in Westlake and Cleveland communities. We have a small group in need of leadership. The requirements for the position are organizing and planning meetings, researching the needs of various community organizations, preparing marketing requests, organizing and delivering donations, as well as delegating these duties to the committee members.

Correspondence Team - Linda Szulc,

The mission of the Correspondence Team is to awaken, strengthen, and foster a deeper sense of unity through personal, handwritten notes to individuals identified by the USC Community. We meet twice a month, the second and fourth Thursday at 10:30 a.m., as necessary. We process 10 to 40 notes each month, depending on the events and needs of our community.

Endowment Fund and Committee - Todd Bartimole,

Fall Program Leader 2024 - Kimberly Buehner, and Michele Coles,

We need enthusiastic, creative people who like to interact with people and work as a team to create materials for the Fall program. They could sell books, sign up hosts and facilitators, sign up groups, or create meditations, bookmarks, or intention cards. We start in Spring and continue through October, but you can choose what best fits your schedule. Some Saturday work may be needed for creative projects. You need to be available one Sunday per month to assist with various tasks.

Grateful Gardeners - Diane and Tom Spence,

Our purpose is to maintain and beautify the gardens and grounds of USC. We clean up the grounds in the spring, weed (by hand and weed whacker), prune, edge beds, thin out/divide perennials in overcrowded beds, create new beds, mulch, maintain the labyrinth, path, and other creative endeavors. The most important qualification would be a desire to be outside. We could use your expertise in any of those areas listed above. We want to help anyone learn any gardening techniques. You can work alone or with a group.

Healing Circle - Vivian Bath,

Jewelry and Scarf Sale - Tolisa Mize-Horning, and Sheila Smith-Brewer,

Kitchen Angels - MaryJo Allen,

Being a Kitchen Angel is a great way to meet people and give back in service. Coffee hour is one of the most vital ways we can be together in fellowship as a community, and we need Angels to make that happen. It is a one-Sunday-a-month commitment, which includes coming to Unity an hour before service and staying an hour after. Kitchen Angels make coffee, plate food, set up food tables, and clean up after (wash dishes, put everything away). No heavy lifting is required!

Labyrinth Team - Jan Casey-Liber,

The Labyrinth Committee's Mission statement is “to promote and facilitate the Labyrinth walk as a sacred spiritual tool.” Participation includes planning and facilitating walks on each Equinox and Solstice during the year, as well as Unity World Day of Prayer and World Labyrinth Day. Our team encourages community building by offering a short “Walking a Labyrinth” educational presentation prior to the walks and refreshments (often around a fire pit) for sharing after the walk. Our committee offers members flexibility in their participation. It’s spiritually rewarding and fun! 

Loving Librarians - Janies Bayne, 

Love books? Enjoy reading and caring for book treasures?  We have our lending library where our books about Unity and related topics are available for any member to read and review.  Help our Librarians to continue this wonderful gift to our community.

Marketing Team - Shirley MacFarland,

The USC Marketing Team is responsible for marketing implementation, such as designing and maintaining the USC website according to Unity Worldwide branding standards. Graphic design, copywriting, and production of marketing materials for all church events, including art for flyers, posters, Facebook, Instagram, the website, and Sunday slides. Graphic design, copy, and production of the church’s Sunday bulletins, brochures, ads, signage, and other advertising materials. Marketing planning for specific large events Marketing direction for specific demographic groups. Public relations. Photography for website, social media, and advertising materials. Our team is gratefully well-staffed with the only available opening being a public relations writer and researcher.

Men’s Group - Ted Brewer,

Metaphysical Musings - Eileen Spada,

New Thought Cafe - Ted Brewer,  and Karen Kazsmer

Office Angels - Roberta McLaughlin,

Prayer Chaplains - Michele Coles,

A Prayer Chaplain will be a member of Unity and commit to two Sundays per month to lead Sunday prayer and be an associate after Sunday Service. You must be willing to commit to a year of service. Must have prayer practice and pray for the congregation daily. This is a great opportunity to enrich your prayer practice as well as hold sacred space for others needing prayer. Additional actions include offering personal prayer after Sunday Service, praying with our Board of Trustees during board meetings, praying over the prayer requests in the prayer box for 30 days, collecting and answering prayer requests received online, and supervising Lent, Advent, and special prayer classes and activities. We have monthly meetings with the team, and training is provided. There are many additional enrichment activities for the prayer chaplains.

Spiritual Discussion Group - Roberta McLaughlin,

Sunday Counters - Donna Metzger,

Sunday Music - Greg Skuderin,

Sunday Platform - Jim Larsen,

We are “the face of Unity” on a Sunday morning. We are the “glue” visually and verbally. We wrap together the important key elements; the Welcome, Message, Music, Meditation, Prayer, and Offering in a manner to give “flow and connectivity” to our Sunday morning service. Whether you are “in the hall” or “watching via livestream,” we deliver the message from the podium, as directed by the Worship Team, in a professional way that echoes the “best” of USC. Livestream may not be our greatest marketing connection to an unfamiliar public, but we, on the platform, need to remember that it’s not just “those in the seats” that we are speaking to, and “being professional” at the podium will pay us dividends knowing that the livestream audience “tunes in, or tunes out” based on the quality of what they are watching. We are on the platform about once a month.

Sunday Service Specialists - Roberta McLaughlin,

We enjoy a smooth, well planned and divinely delivered Sunday Service every week because of the work that goes on behind the scenes. This very scripted order of service and all the slides, are crafted and created by our loyal Sunday Service Specialists.

Sunday Welcoming - Sandra Buescher,

Being a greeter is a great way to meet people and give back in service. It can be a once-a-month commitment or more if you choose. We are looking for people to give a warm welcome, hand out bulletins, answer questions, or give a welcome bag for any new guests and a tour if they are interested. You're also required to help with the collection baskets during service. We would need you to arrive by 10:30 a.m. before meditation. It’s a way to make people smile and feel welcome, especially if it's their first time at USC.

Sunday Worship - Greg Skuderin,

Technology - Michele Coles,

Website – Cindy Christman,

Wednesday Meditation Service - Roberta McLaughlin,

The Wednesday Noon Meditation offers a midday and midweek respite from the busyness of our lives. We are looking for a few people who want to deepen their Unity Principles practice through prayer and meditation. The Leader of the Circle facilitates reading the monthly Silent Unity Prayer Service during the same time that Unity World Headquarters offers its prayers. The wisdom of the Daily Word is shared to affirm inner peace, guidance, healing, prosperity, harmony, and world peace. There is a deck of “Who Have You Come Here to Be” cards that are also used as well. During this 30-minute time of prayerful consciousness, this group will hold sacred space in The Chapel for ourselves, our community, and the world. There is a weekly rotation that is currently every four weeks, and it would be subject to change if you join us.

Weekday Prayer Call - Susan Armstrong,

Our Weekday 8 a.m. Prayer Call Team has been leading community prayer calls for over 2 ½ years. It does not require you to be a Prayer Chaplain – just a person of Affirmative Unity Prayerful Consciousness. Our Call to Prayer takes place Monday through Friday at 8:00 a.m. The call-in number is 267-807-9500, and you can access the call with the code 559110#. The Daily Word is the foundation for the call. We ask you to lead for a full week and please know that we do make exceptions! The rotation is about every six to eight weeks, and the schedule is created for a three-month period. It would be a great joy to have you join our mighty prayerful group of individuals as a Leader or join us in holding the High Watch. I would be happy to offer you an in-person training session to practice and review.

Youth & Family Services -  Sara Schlegel,

Our Unity Youth and Family Ministry strives to offer that vital opportunity for our young people to nurture and explore the spiritual aspects of their lives and promote spiritual self-discovery with our youth and their families. create an atmosphere of safety conducive to learning and growth, include a stimulating curriculum and creative self-expression, and encourage friendships and supportive relationships.