A positive spiritual lifestyle involves more than just attending weekly services. It is also about creating a community through loving service as we allow our inner light to shine. We build relationships based on our Unity teachings and principles by sharing our unique talents and gifts.
We have a dynamic Sacred Service program and would love to support you in finding your place as we build a vibrant and growing community.
Did you know that Sacred Service is an important part of our community at USC?
- Unity's fifth Principle is "Through thoughts, words, and actions, we do our best by living the Truth we know."
- One of USC’s Core Values is Service
- USC's Vision Statement is "We are love in action, honoring the Divine within all."
- USC's Membership Commitment is Service.
There are many opportunities for you to say “YES” to what is yours to do!
Contact the Leader of the group you are interested in for more information on how your special talents can serve USC.
Mission: We are prayer in action. Through the power of Love, we listen and pray in the sacred space of possibility, affirming that God is present and active in all.
Director: Terri Brewer
Contact: terrimoorebrewer@gmail.com, (440) 281-5106
Purpose: To increase awareness and to encourage the practice of prayer in our spiritual center.
Description: Team members contribute to the various functions required of Sunday mornings, In-reach Care, and Pastoral Care.
MEDITATION (10:35 am – 10:55 am in Garden Chapel)
Purpose: To provide a quiet respite before Sunday services.
Description: Team members facilitate short, guided meditations leading into silence in the Garden Chapel.
PERSONAL PRAYER (12:15 pm – 12:45 pm in Sanctuary)
Purpose: To provide a safe space for confidential affirmative prayer.
Description: Team members facilitate private, one-on-one prayer in the following Sunday services.
Lead: Donna Foote
Contact: footenote73@gmail.com, (440) 570-3430
Purpose: To provide a tangible reminder of the warmth and care that the prayer chaplains hold for each person and the prayer that we share, seeing them wrapped in God’s loving embrace.
Description: We pray with and bless each shawl as they are being created, and welcome anyone who is willing to share their time and talent.
If interested, please contact Terri Brewer, terrimoorebrewer@gmail.com, (440) 281-5106
Lead: to be determined
Purpose: To support members in their lives beyond Sunday mornings.
Description: Team members proudly facilitate member visits to homes, hospitals, and assisted living facilities.
If interested, please contact Terri Brewer, terrimoorebrewer@gmail.com, (440) 281-5106
Lead: to be determined
Purpose: To proactively contribute to healthy and sustainable community by supporting individuals
Description: Team members support those who consider USC a spiritual home through acts of connection and kindness. We see you!
If interested, please contact Terri Brewer, terrimoorebrewer@gmail.com, (440) 281-5106
Lead: to be determined
Purpose: To maintain connection, express caring, and extend prayer support to members
Description: Team members make monthly calls to members.
Director: Sara Schlegel
Contact: sara@uscwestlake.org, (216) 644-0889
Purpose: To provide vital opportunities for our young people to nurture and explore the spiritual aspects of their lives.
Description: USC faculty promotes spiritual self-discovery in an atmosphere conducive to learning and growing. Gatherings offer stimulating curricula, foster creative self-expression, and encourage supportive friendships.
Purpose: To provide vital opportunities for our young people to nurture and explore the spiritual aspects of their lives through age-appropriate education and activity.
Description: USC faculty provides age-appropriate education and activity for youth aged toddler through 18 in an in an environment which is enjoyable, intentional, inclusive, respectful, and unwavering in its commitment to the safety of all. We use a living curriculum that highlights Unity principles, fosters reflection, promotes leadership, and instills confidence, using real-life as our palette.
UNITEENS PROGRAM (6:30 pm – 8:00 pm)
Purpose: To provide a safe space for ages 11 – 18 to explore the spiritual aspects of their lives and to be reminded that they are inherently good.
Description: USC’s Uniteen/Y.O.U. program provides a deeper experience. While we still follow a living curriculum, we take our discussions further - opening to new possibilities and sharing alternative perspectives on situations our teens face. Greater engagement in matters of group business cultivates leadership skills for life, and that most important principle for teens, “God is good, so I am inherently good,” will always be spoken.
Director: Rev. Richard Held; revrichard@unityspiritualcenter.com
Purpose: To deepen personal growth through deepening human relationships
Description: USC’s Small Group Ministry provides varied opportunities for conversation, study, and common interest as facilitated by trained USC members.
GROWING THROUGH GRIEF GROUP (2nd Sundays, 12:30 pm in Garden Chapel)
Lead: Carol Mills
Contact: carol_mills2003@yahoo.com, (440)-714-5968
Purpose: To offer a nurturing environment to support those through the grief process
Description: Growing through Grief offers a safe and understanding space where participants can express and process emotions without judgment. Connect with others who understand and empathize with your journey.
HEALING CIRCLE GROUP (3rd Sundays, 12:30 pm, in Unity Hall)
Lead: Vivian Baith
Contact: baithv@gmail.com, (440) 477-5770
Purpose: To provide a sacred space and time for prayer, meditation, sound, and Reiki healing.
Description: Healing Circle Group offers a team of at least six volunteer Reiki Masters and Healers who serve every third Sunday. Love offerings benefit USC.
MEN’S GROUP (1st Saturdays, 9:30 am – 11:00 am)
Lead: Ted Brewer
Contact: brewer.ted@gmail.com, (440) 376-8019
Purpose: To provide a monthly opportunity for the men of our community to get together to form friendships.
Description: Men’s Group offers casual conversation in a breakfast table environment. Participants check in with what is current in our lives and then discuss a topic, whether chosen by the moderator or one that arises from check-in. Please note that the purpose of the Men’s Group does not include group service projects.
METAPHYSICAL MUSINGS GROUP (4th Tuesdays, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, in the Sanctuary.)
Lead: Eileen Spada
Contact: profei@aol.com, (440) 552-3395
Purpose: To share “beyond the norm” experiences.
Description: Metaphysical Musings provides opportunities to share unusual experiences or to explore answers to questions regarding the paranormal in a loving, caring, nonjudgmental environment.
NEW THOUGHT CAFÉ’ GROUP (Sundays, 9:30 am)
Co-lead: Ted Brewer
Contact: brewer.ted@gmail.com, (440) 376-8019
Co-lead: Karen Kazsmer
Contact: karenakaz@ymail.com, (216) 544-4840
Purpose: To nurture and appreciate the inner wisdom waiting to be expressed when offered the opportunity.
Description: New Thought Café is conversational, not instructional, and facilitated at tables in a breakfast café style. A short audio, video, or printed media presentation will introduce a topic for discussion. Moderators welcome topics suggested by participants.
NOON MEDITATION GROUP (Wednesdays, 12:00 pm)
Lead: Kathy Ginter
Contact: kapwg1946@yahoo.com, (440) 864-4082
Purpose: To provide sacred space for all to pray and meditate
Description: Noon Meditation Group offers a reading from Unity’s Daily Word followed by a 30-minute meditation using the Silent Unity Prayer Service. Prayer requests are accepted and given to the Prayer Ministry.
QUEER CONNECT (1st Sundays, 6:00 pm)
Lead: Rev. Richard Held
Contact: revrichard@unityspiritualcenter.com, (440) 835-0400)
Purpose: To provide an affirming space for LGBTQ+ seekers to discuss spirituality and life.
Description: Queer Connect welcomes LGBTQ+ individuals to lend their valuable voices to the spiritual dialogue, to experience authentic welcome, to explore life, and to join in the giving and receiving of loving affirmation.
SPIRITUAL DISCUSSION GROUP (Virtual; weekdays, 10:00 am)
Lead: Ellen Severson
Contact: eseversonlisw@msn.com, (216) 849-6165
Purpose: To discuss spiritual practices based from various publications and how they apply to our lives via USC’s Zoom room.
Description: Spiritual Discussion Group facilitates connection through the power of love to share spiritual self-discovery, to support each person to learn and grow, and to nurture and appreciate our inner wisdom.
WEEKDAY PRAYER CALL (weekdays, 8:00 am)
Lead: Susan Armstrong
Contact: srarm@sbcglobal.net, (440) 334-7362
Purpose: To provide a weekday avenue for community affirmative prayer via conference call.
Description: Team members (on a rotating basis) use the Unity Daily Word as the theme. Leaders may offer insight or deeper meaning. Opportunities for participants to speak individual and community prayers culminate with an invitation to speak an empowering word or phrase for the day.
Co-Director: Donna Metzger
Contact: dmetzger@visn.net, (216) 924-7107
Co-Director: Susan Armstrong
Contact: srarm@sbcglobal.net, (440) 334-736
Purpose: To identify, train, empower, and support leaders in support of the USC community
Description: Participants meet quarterly to share information, receive training on facilitation, administration and budgets, and to plan annual Sacred Service Fairs.
Director: Rev. Richard Held
Contact: revrichard@unityspiritualcenter.com, (440) 835-0400
AUDIO/VISUAL TEAM (Sundays, 9:30 am – 12:15 pm)
Lead: Michele Coles
Contact: mcoles23@hotmail.com, (216) 308-8436
Purpose: To ensure quality, artistic audio, visuals, media, and streaming services in support of the spiritual experience.
Description: Team members facilitate all aspects of audio-visual support including advancing slides, running the projector, helping with sound, and running livestream during Sunday Services.
EASTER CHOIR (seasonal)
Lead: Matthew Wilson
Contact: music@unityspiritualcenter.com, (440) 835-0400)
Purpose: To provide quality, inspiring music in support of the spiritual experience.
Description: Team members support our unwavering commitment to quality artistic inspiration for every Sunday service! No experience is necessary - only open hearts and willing spirits. All are welcome to join the first rehearsal without making any commitment! Try it! Please review all rehearsal schedules before committing. Full attendance is necessary. Rehearsals are 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Sundays, March 30 through April 13 and Wednesday, April 16 at 7:00 p.m. The choir will perform on Easter Sunday, April 20. A Christmas performance is also being planned, and possibly a special performance during the year.
DAILY WORD READER: (Sundays, 10:00 am – 12:15 pm)
Lead: Roberta McLaughlin
Contact: unityinfo@unityspiritualcenter.com, (440) 835-0400
Purpose: To share the Daily Word during Sunday Services.
Description: If you like to read aloud and would enjoy participating in a small but meaningful way, this is the team for you. You may be scheduled as often as you like by signup up in Planning Center or calling the office. A copy of the Daily Word will be provided in advance. This assignment is subject to audition and approval.
Lead: Kimberly Buehner
Contact: kimberlybuehner@sbcglobal.net, (216) 544-4539
Purpose: To collaborate on a 6-to-8-week study program, typically held in the fall of each year in support of spiritual enrichment and fellowship.
Description: Team members assist with matters such as the choice of a book, the creation of materials such as meditations, prayers, bookmarks, and intention cards. We assist in all arenas of registration, training, and coordination.
SOCIAL MEDIA HOST TEAM (Sundays, 9:30 am – 12:15 pm)
Lead: Susan Armstrong
Contact: srarm@sbcglobal.net, (440) 334-7362
Purpose: To provide full access and welcome to all participating through USC’s virtual sanctuary.
Description: Team members provide welcome, comments, and links to activities via social media platforms during Sunday services.
WELCOMING TEAM (USHERS/GREETERS) (Sundays, 10:30 am – 12:15 pm)
Lead: Susan Armstrong
Contact: srarm@sbcglobal.net, (440) 334-7362
Purpose: To maximize the welcome, inclusion, and comfort of all USC guests
Description: Team members support events and services through greeting, welcoming, and facilitating various logistical elements of services and events including answering questions, facilitating tours, distributing gift bags, assisting with name tags, and supporting those having emergent needs.
Lead: Eileen Spada
Contact: profei@aol.com, (440) 552-3395
Purpose: To maximize welcome by ensuring a safe, clean, and tidy environment.
Description: Team members lovingly maintain USC’s physical property by making repairs, cleaning, vacuuming, watering plants, and beyond.
Purpose: To demonstrate USC’s love and support by serving those in our greater community.
Description: Team members organize, plan meetings, research the needs of various community organizations, prepare marketing requests, and organize and deliver donations.
CORRESPONDENCE TEAM (2nd & 4th Thursdays, 10:30 am; as needed)
Lead: Linda Szulc
Contact: lbszulc@yahoo.com, (910) 689-8262
Purpose: To awaken, strengthen and foster a deeper sense of unity through personal, hand-written notes to individuals identified by the USC community.
Description: Team members supply loving and kind support to the USC community through handwritten notes. Each note carries an intention of wholeness, wellness, gratitude, condolences, or other specific concerns. We welcome volunteers who are willing to donate two Thursday mornings per month.
Co-leads: Diane and Tom Spence
Contact: dianefr@aol.com, (216) 347-1654
Purpose: To maximize welcome by ensuring beautiful gardens and grounds.
Description: Team members lovingly maintain and beautify USC’s gardens and grounds by weeding (by hand and weed whacker), pruning, edging, mulching, managing beds, creating beds, maintaining the labyrinth, and beyond.
Lead: MaryJo Allen
Contact: allenmjsolon@aol.com, (440) 724-1830
Purpose: To facilitate connection through food and drink after each Sunday service.
Description: Team members experience and foster greater connection among people by making coffee, plating food, preparing tables and cleaning up after fellowship.
LABYRINTH TEAM (as needed)
Co-Lead: Tina Thonnings
Co-Lead: Catherine Mangan
Contact: willowmorning@hotmail.com, (216) 272-7501
Purpose: To provide opportunities for USC and our broader community to realize the labyrinth as a sacred spiritual tool and an ancient healing practice.
Description: Team members conduct labyrinth walks on each Equinox and Solstice as well as World Day of Prayer and World Labyrinth Day. We help maintain The Pollinator Garden as we celebrate USC’s three labyrinths.
LUNCH AND LEARN (3rd Tuesdays, 12:00 pm)
Lead: Kathy Lowery:
Contact: kathleenlowery03@yahoo.com, (440) 897-0351
Purpose: To provide a space for fellowship and learning.
Description: Lunch and Learn offers learning, thought stimulating topics from invited guest speakers, and potluck lunch (whether homemade or store-bought). If you are interested in speaking, offering a suggestion, or contributing to set-up/clean up, please contact Kathy. Please contact Roberta at (440) 835-0400 to sign up or use the sign-up sheet on the turnstile outside Unity Hall. Bring a friend! A freewill offering will be gratefully accepted.
Co-lead: Nicki Behr
Contact: nickibehr@gmail.com, (440) 420-6090
Co-lead: Jessie St. Christopher
Contact: laugheagle@outlook.com, (216) 304-8501
Purpose: To curate and make available a collection of resources that supports spiritual education and inspiration.
Description: Team members accept, organize, and manage books, magazines, and cd’s for lending and learning in a space of understanding, love and acceptance.
MARKETING TEAM (as needed)
Lead: Shirley MacFarland
Contact: shirleymac48@att.net, (216) 469-7848
Purpose: To communicate information about events, classes, workshops, and services at Unity Spiritual Center from strategy through implementation.
Description: Team members design and maintain the USC web site, graphic design, copy and production of marketing, public relations and photography for website, to name a few.
Lead: Cindy Christman
Contact: cagc59@gmail.com, (216) 695-0085
Purpose: To promote Unity in our community and beyond
Description: Team members use Facebook, Instagram, and X to market and educate our community about our purpose and all the happenings at USC.
Lead: Roberta McLaughlin
Contact: unityinfo@unityspiritualcenter.com, (440) 835-0400
Purpose: To assist in administrative projects which support the spiritual experience.
Description: Team members perform varied administrative tasks as needed, in excellence, and with grace.
Lead: Terri Brewer
Contact: terrimoorebrewer@gmail.com, (440) 281-5106
Purpose: To organize and produce one-time events and special offerings.
Description: Team members organize and produce one-time events and special offerings including themes, activities, set up, teardown, and beyond, in collaboration with Marketing and Administration. Opportunities will be announced singly. Registrations sheets will be made available.