Donate to Unity Spiritual Center


You Can Make a Difference

''''Your support makes it possible for us to make a positive difference in individual lives and our world.

When you share your gift with Unity Spiritual Center Westlake, whether in your regular giving practice or your long-term estate or financial plans, you will help ensure that we will be here to carry out our mission for years to come. 

You can donate today to Unity Spiritual Center in many ways!



Ways to Donate

Place your donation in the Offering Basket at Sunday Service.






Mail a check or money order to Unity Spiritual Center Westlake, 23855 Detroit Rd., Westlake, OH  44145






Click on the Donate Now button above. You'll find a Donate Now button at the top of each website page in the right-hand corner. 





Send a text to 84321. Place the donation amount in the message. You will receive a link to complete the donation.





Use the Credit Card Terminal at the back of Unity Hall before or after Sunday Service.





public facebook


Visit our public Facebook page at

Look for the blue donate button in the header. 





Use the Church Center App

The app is available for iPhones and iPads. Download the Church Center App from the Google Play or Apple App Store. 




Open the app and choose "Use my location" or "Search Manually." If you click "Search Manually," enter "Unity Spiritual Center Westlake" in the church name field. (It is typically easier to choose the "Use my location" button).

Next, click "This is my church." Enter your mobile number and email address. You will receive an email with a code for verification.


For Other Ways of Giving

Please click here for What to Give.

You can give gifts of stock, retirement assets, insurance, and annuities.


Please click here for Where to Give.

You can donate to our general fund, our Giving Tree, or the Endowment Fund.


Is My Donation to Unity Spiritual Center Tax-Deductible?

YES! Unity Spiritual Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose contributions are tax-deductible.

If you have questions, please email or call 440-835-0400.


Prayer to Say as You Make Your Donation

Divine Love, 
Through me, 
Blesses and multiplies
All that I am,
All that I give,
And all that I receive.
I am grateful.


Thank you for supporting Unity Spiritual Center Westlake!