An online digital experience available until Sunday April 11, 2020.
Awaken your Divine Nature through USC’s unique experience.
A station is a stopping place where we step outside the flow of daily life. Join us as we explore a practice based on very ancient teachings and a new cosmology. Turning our attention to the Cosmic Christ, our online experience will provide an opportunity that enables us to journey spiritually into the Divine within us. The Cosmic Christ is the archetype that names the Divine Light that is found in all things.
In this time of a pandemic, wars, and unprecedented challenge to the planet from human-induced climate change, how will humans integrate the teachings about the awesome universe in a way that empowers our joy and compassion? The Stations of the Cosmic Christ will take us from the birth of the Christ Consciousness to the Pentecost and awaken our hearts and minds to the Blessed Beings we all are.
Each station will offer an opportunity for contemplation while nurturing our spiritual growth by connecting us in ever deeper ways to the Cosmic Christ. You can spend as much time as you would like journeying to each of the 16 stations. There are also children's activities listed with each station so that you and your children can make this journey together in a truly multigenerational experience.
The Stations of the Cosmic Christ are based on the book by Matthew Fox and Bishop Marc Andrus.
Please click on the cross to begin your journey.
Each page will have a button to click to take you to the next page.