Sunday Shoutout

Sunday Shoutout


We have so many amazing people who serve our church with such love and devotion! We will recognize them during our weekly Sunday Service with a Sunday Shoutout! The recipient(s) will be asked to stand and remain standing for our Unity Blessing. The congregation recites the Unity Blessing: "Friends, We love you. We bless you. We appreciate you. We behold the Christ in you."

There are many opportunities for you to say "yes" to what is yours to do. Please click here to find out more about Sacred Service, our teams, and what they do.

If you would like to recommend someone or a sacred service group, please contact Susan Armstrong at A special shoutout to Susan Armstrong for implementing and leading our Sunday Shoutout campaign!



Sunday, November 13, 2024

Rev. RichardOur final Sunday Shoutout for 2024 recognized the Ministerial Search Team. We are so happy to have shined the light of appreciation 230 times in the past 20 Shoutouts. They are the icing on the cake that we are celebrating with today.

Quoting Kate Filipek:  "Our Search Team members worked mindfully with one another and our Congregation to hold to the assurance of God’s presence within, as we helped lead USC through loss, beyond any fears or negativity, to a higher consciousness of greater possibility. 

In concert with those efforts, our Board and Congregation rose up to become ready and able to create a sacred contract between us and the very gifted Rev. Richard Held to lead us to higher expression in the next chapter of the life of our beloved USC."

It is with great joy and gratitude that our beloved community recognizes our Search Team members for their dedication and contributions; Kate Filipek, Deb Larsen, Donna Metzger, Linda Thunberg, and James VanHala.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

flower boxOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Hilliard Blvd. Flower Box Duo. Many of you may not know that along Hilliard Blvd, just west of Horseshoe Drive, Unity Spiritual Center has a flower box . We have a divine duo of gracious gardeners who plant Unity love for us each spring, Eileen Spada and Deb Larsen. Thanks to their big hearts and green thumbs, we bloom in Westlake.





Sunday, October 20, 2024  

Prayer ChaplainsOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Prayer Ministry team. Our Prayer Chaplains are committed and devoted to holding prayerful consciousness and the High Watch for themselves and each and every person's prayer request submitted. They lead meditation each Sunday and hold space by listening to your prayers after Service. Their love and loyalty is unsurpassed.

The Lead Chaplain is Michele Coles. Her team includes Terri Brewer, Donna Foote, Joanne Gerhart, Laurie Grimes, Shannon Hoff-Smith, Karen Kaszmer, Pam McCue, Shannon Sabol, Margie Samosky, and Ellen Severson.


Sunday, October 13, 2024  No Sunday Shoutout


Sunday, October 6, 2024  No Sunday Shoutout, Birthday Sunday


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Fall Program 2024Our Sunday Shoutout recognized our Fall Program Team. Fall Programs do not just happen. It takes creative minds, fine designs, lots of work, and coordination. For the past 25 years, we, as a community, have bonded because of them. Co-leads are Kimberly Buehner and Michele Coles. Their village included Terri Brewer, Jan Casey-Liber, Cindy Christman, Deborah Core, Rosemary Dorrian, Jan Franklin, Liz Geffert, Joanne Gerhart, Kathy Ginter, Kristi Hall, Karen Kazsmer, John MacFarland, Shirley MacFarland, Patti Mayer, Donna Metzger, Roberta McLaughlin, Toyin Ojeyomi, Peggy Ryel, Sara Schlegel, Greg Skuderin, Smokie Stuver, Jessie St. Christopher, Linda Thunberg, James VanHala, Karen VanHala, Edith Vazquez and Marilyn Voelkerding. Kim shared, “Wow! I am always so appreciative when I sit down and look at how many of us create a wonderful program for our center.”

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Laby walkOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Labyrinth Event Team, which planned and coordinated the Miracles Along the Path: A Labyrinth Celebration event. It commemorated the 20th anniversary of our labyrinth and the 2024 Autumn Equinox. We invited Marty and Debi Kermeen to lead our celebration. They are world-renowned labyrinth builders and founding members of the Labyrinth Society.

This team, or rather this village, had prepared for months to offer this celebration and meaningful experience. The Village Leaders were Jan Casey-Liber and Tina Thonnings. Their village included Mary Jo Allen, Susan Armstrong, Janise Bayne, Terri Brewer, Michele Coles, Rosemary Dorrian, Joanne Gerhart, Mike Greco, Laurie Grimes, Karen Kazsmer, Jim Larsen, John MacFarland, Shirley MacFarland, Robert MacLaughlin, Catherine Mangan, Mary Mauerer, Pattie Mayer, Sara Schlegel, Diane Spence, Tom Spence, Johanna Vine, Marilyn Voelkerding, Youth and Family Ministry, and Sue Zagula.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Bonnie Chase

Our Sunday Shoutout recognized our Sunday Service Coordinators. As Jim Larsen likes to call them, this team is "the face of Unity." They circle the Sunday service team together for 10:30 prayer and check in with our speaker, soloists, ushers, AV, music, Daily Word, and Prayer Chaplain. They ensure all the elements for a smooth and welcoming service are in place and do a stellar job. Jim Larsen is the Team Leader. His team includes Susan Armstrong, Bonnie Chase, John MacFarland, and Shannon Sabol.


Sunday, September 8, 2024   No Sunday Shoutout, World Day of Prayer Service


Sunday, September 1, 2024  No Sunday Shoutout, Birthday Sunday


Sunday, August 25, 2024  No Sunday Shoutout to focus on our Ministerial Candidate


Sunday, August 18, 2024  

Sunday Service Our Sunday Shoutout recognized our Scripters and Sliders. We enjoy a smooth, well-planned, and divinely delivered Sunday Service every week because of the work that goes on behind the scenes. This very scripted order of service and all the slides are crafted and created by our loyal Sunday Service Specialists. They are Susan Armstrong, Michele Coles, Roberta McLaughlin, and Michele Payne.


Sunday, August 11, 2024  Service canceled due to storm damage.


Sunday, August 4, 2024  Moving forward, the first Sunday of the month will be reserved for celebrating birthdays.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Grateful GardnersOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Grateful Gardeners team. They are "green machines" in dedication and devotion and live their joy by example. This team maintains and beautifies our gorgeous award-winning gardens and our holy grounds. The team leaders are Tom and Diane Spence. Their team includes Sandra Buescher, Jan Casey-Liber, Debbie Clark, John Donitzen, Rosemary Dorrian, Rita Enlow, Julie Fink, Martin Fletcher, Joanne Gerhart, Linda Harkless, Hemp Howell, Shannon Hoff-Smith, Jim Larsen, Beth Lawrence, John MacFarland, Darlene Owings, Elise Panhal, Elsa Phillips, Bob Salim, Jack Sith, Suzi Soulshine Bell, Eileen Spada, Jessie St. Christopher, Linda Szulc, Tina Thonnings, James Van Hala, and Johanna Vine. Please click here for more information.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

WizardsOur Sunday Shoutout recognized Marilyn Voelkerding and her Event Team for planning the Wizards of Acoustic Guitar Concert on Friday, July 19. What a fabulous experience for us and those visiting USC. Not only were vibrations raised, but a lot of money as well. Marilyn’s team includes MaryJo Allen, Susan Armstrong, Janise Bayne, Terri Brewer, Jan Casey-Liber, Cindy Christman, Rita Enlow, Joanne Gerhart, Kathy Ginter, Kristi Hall, Shirley MacFarland, Pattie Mayher, Mary Maynard, Roberta McLaughlin, Joe McChrystal, Pam McCue, Michelle Payne, Shannon Sabol, Greg Skuderin, Eileen Spada, Jessie St. Christopher, Jack Smith, David Swartz, Linda Thunberg, Johanna Vine, James Van Hala, Karen Van Hala, and Bruce Voelkerding.  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

ChapalOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Wednesday Meditation Group team. This group has been holding sacred space at noon in the Garden Chapel every Wednesday for years! These Unity Women take turns leading the Unity Prayer Service each week. This means they hold prayerful consciousness for individuals, our community, and the world. It is an open invitation for all to attend. The team includes Susan Armstrong, Jan Casey-Liber, Joanne Gerhart, Kathy Ginter, Roberta McLaughlin, and Marilyn Voelkerding. The photo shows the view of our Meditation Garden from the Chapel. Please click here for more information. 



Sunday, July 7, 2024

Unity HallOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Building Maintenance Team. This team works really hard to keep our building looking shiny and bright. Whether making repairs, painting, running the sweeper, or watering plants, our spiritual home is well-maintained, clean, tidy, and in good repair. Eileen Spada is the Team Leader. Her team includes Bob Cowhard, Frank Jelar, and Darlene Owings.


Sunday, June 30, 2024         No Sunday Shoutout


Sunday, June 23, 2024

JessieOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Loving Librarians. This team loves reading books and caring for book treasures. How wonderful to have a lending library right at the end of the hallway. It is tended to with such great care and love for our spiritual enrichment. Janise Bayne is the Team Leader. Her team includes Nicki Behr, John Donitzen, Mary Mullner, and Jessie St. Christopher.




Sunday, June 16, 2024

LabyrinthOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Labyrinth Team. This team offers our community and the community at large, opportunities to walk together as one on Equinoxes and Solstices. They are also here for us on Unity World Day of Prayer and World Labyrinth Day. Having a labyrinth as a sacred spiritual tool keeps our grounds holy. Jan Casey-Liber is the team leader. Her team includes Janise Bayne, Catherine Mangan, Mary Mauerer, Tina Thonnings, Johanna Vine, Marilyn Voelkerding, and Sue Zagula. Please click here for more information. 


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Grief Support GroupOur Sunday Shoutout recognized Carol Mills, Ph. D., for beginning our Grief Support Group. She offers a safe and understanding space where you can express and process your emotions without judgment. We are so grateful for her compassion and sacred service to our community. Thank you for the opportunity to navigate through the complexities of grief. Please click here for more information.



Sunday, June 2, 2024

Weekday Prayer CallOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Weekday Prayer Call Leaders. This devoted group of individuals leads our 8 a.m. weekday prayer call. They create sacred space for seeing Truth in one another, for those in our USC community, and for our world. Their prayerful consciousness, great love, and unwavering faith provide a spiritual uplift and set the foundation for the day. Susan Armstrong is the team leader. Her team includes Terri Brewer, Michele Coles, Laurie Grimes, Karen Kazsmer, Brian Lowery, Kathy Lowery, Pamela McCue, Dale Miller, and Marilyn Voelkerding. Please click here for more information. 


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Audio Visual TeamOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Audio, Visual, and Livestream Team. This team runs slides, sound, projector, and livestream for Sunday Service and as needed for special events. They are the behind-the-scenes team that enhances our Sunday mornings with their expertise and skill. Michele Coles is the team leader. Her team includes Ed Andres, Terri Brewer, Al Buehner (emeritus), Ayva Hall, Michelle Payne, John Schlegel (emeritus), Scott Schlegel, Marilyn Voelkerding, and Symon Worthington.


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Kitchen AngelsOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Kitchen Angels. These angels do more than make coffee and put on a lovely spread; they bring us together in fellowship each week. Mary Jo Allen is the team leader. Her team includes Bobbie Batie, Nicki Behr, Ted Brewer, Sandra Buescher, Debbie Clark, Kathy Dolesh, Joanne Gehart, Kathy Ginter, Adriana Markov, Pattie Mayher, Tolisa Mize-Horning 14 yrs, Darlene Owings, Sheila Smith-Brewer, and Annette Tabar. The photo shows the Kitchen Angels’ table at the Sacred Service Fair in April 2024.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Marketing logoOur Sunday Shoutout recognized the creative, divine minds of our Marketing Team. They bring us all we need to know through their graphic design, photos, productions, the dynamic website - their work is everywhere! Shirley MacFarland is the Team Leader. Her team includes  Susan Armstrong, Terri Brewer, Cindy Christman, Roberta McLaughlin, Michelle Payne, David Schwartz, and Greg Skuderin.




Sunday, May 5, 2024

YFM logoOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Youth and Family Ministry (YFM) teachers and facilitators. These educators provide opportunities for our young people to explore and grow their spirituality. Kimberly Buehner is the YFM team leader. Her team includes Niki Behr, Gregory Buehner, Diane DiFrancesco, Mary JoAllen, Sara Jovanoic, Camden Lockner, Brian Lowrey, Kathy Lowrey, Shannon Sabol, and Karen VanHala.





Sunday, April 28, 2024

Request a cardOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Correspondence Team for spreading sunshine to our community. These gals meet on the second and fourth Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. to do their part to awaken, strengthen, and foster a deeper sense of unity through personal, handwritten notes. Linda Szulc is the team leader. Her team includes Judy Balaschak, Cindy Christman, Jan Franklin, Kathy Ginter, Sandra Liegl, Tolisa Mize-Horning, Sheila Smith-Brewer, and Annette Tabar.

Did you know you can request a card for yourself or someone you know? You'll find our Correspondence Request Form under the Connect tab on our website. 


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Healing CircleOur Sunday Shoutout recognized our Healing Circle for their service to our community on the third Sunday of each month following Sunday Service. Vivian Bath is the team leader. Her team includes Candice Brown, Rita Enlow, Donna Foote, Roberta McLaughlin. and Mimi Munn.

Everyone is invited to join our Healing Circle for a time of prayer, meditation, sound, and Reiki healing. Love offerings are gratefully accepted.



Sunday, April 14, 2024

Kathy GinterOur first Sunday Shoutout recognized Kathy Ginter. We congratulated Kathy Ginter on her retirement and celebrated with her after Sunday Service with a cake. She has been our trusted and devoted bookkeeper for 12 years. We wish her all the Highest and Best in this new chapter of life and adventure!