Wheel of the Year: Imbolc


Thursday, January 30

6 - 8 p.m.

Wheel of the Year Ritual Celebrations

Facilitated by Catherine Mangan

Of new beginnings
Incubated deep within
Rousing, quickening
~Terri Duclos

Come join us in Circle where together we will create Sacred Space
and celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year to the season of
Imbolc. Imbolc, translated as “in the belly” in the old Gaelic
language, corresponds to other holidays in the Celtic and northern
European traditions, such as Brigid’s Day (goddess and saint), and
Candlemas. The beloved American holiday of Groundhog Day is also
enjoyed during this time. Imbolc is celebrated on February 1-2 and
falls between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It has been
celebrated as a Celtic festival since ancient times. February is a time
of darkness, deep cold and ice in the northern hemisphere, and yet
we sense the very first stirrings of new life deep in the Earth. In our
Sacred Space, infused with reverence and mirth, we will share rituals,
symbols, stories, guided imagery meditations, simple crafts, music,
drumming, food and drink as we gather in hope for the return of light
and warmth to our world.

Please bring a simple snack to share. (optional)

Suggested Donation: $10

New Location:
Unity Spiritual Center
23855 Detroit Road
Westlake, Ohio 44145

Details:  https://centeringspace.org/event/wheel-of-the-year-imbolc-2/