A Mini-Retreat Experience
Saturday, March 8, 2025
2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Unity Hall
Did you ever wonder what our USC kids do on their retreats? The youth would like to show you what your donations support throughout the year. Our Y.O.U./Uniteens are organizing a mini-retreat experience for their church family. Teens not currently in the program are welcome as well.
This retreat will be an abbreviated version of the out-of-state events your donations help send them to. Just as with the regional retreats, the youth will plan and lead the entire event.
Activities will include meditation, merriment, lessons, silliness, deep thought, contemplation, and more. A light meal with reflection will follow. The seating capacity is 45. Fee is $45.00.
To register please contact YFM Director Sara Schlegel after Sunday Service or email her
at sara@uscwestlake.org.