Walking the Path: A Labyrinth Celebration


Labyrinth 20 Anniversary

Walking the Path: A Labyrinth Celebration

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Noon to 4:00 p.m.

LabyrinthTwenty years ago, Unity Spiritual Center’s Labyrinth was completed as a congregational project. At 90 feet in diameter, it became the largest outdoor labyrinth in Ohio.

Join us for a special dual-celebration event commemorating the 20th anniversary of our labyrinth and the 2024 Autumn Equinox. 

We have invited Marty and Debi Kermeen to lead our celebration. They are world-renowned labyrinth builders and founding members of the Labyrinth Society

This event will follow Sunday Service and include lunch, a presentation by the Kermeens, a Guided Meditative Labyrinth Walk, and a Water Ceremony. You may come for the day or any part of it.

This unique couple creates beautiful labyrinths by hand, using impeccable design sense, years of building expertise, and a soul connection to labyrinths and the beautiful land they rest on. Marty is a stone sculptor specializing in creating and installing complex designs, including labyrinths. Debi is a modern-day medicine woman and a yogi. She is a ceremonialist who weaves sound healing, energy medicine, and movement into her healing modalities

Noon to 1 p.m.  Lunch in the Community Room
Our Labyrinth Sacred Service team is providing this lunch for our congregants, and anyone attending the labyrinth presentation and walk.

Vegetarian and gluten-free options will be available. There is no charge, but please register below so we can get an accurate count to plan food and seating arrangements.

Labyrinth1 p.m. Keynote Address in Unity Hall, Labyrinth Walk, and Water Ceremony
The Keermans will share their presentation, “Miracles Along the Path,” with Heart Warming Stories from the Labyrinth. A Guided Meditative Labyrinth Walk outdoors will follow the Keynote Address. There will be an indoor labyrinth in the Spirit Room in case of bad weather.

The element of Water is connected in the direction of the west and is associated with the autumn season, a time to move inward and receive cleansing and healing on all levels. You are invited to bring a small vial of water from a natural source (like a lake or a river). A container will be in the center of the Labyrinth to receive the water. You will then be able to refill your vial with the shared water.

Please also register if you are attending the Keynote Address, Walk, and Water Ceremony. The first 48 registrants will receive a free gift!  Registration closes Wednesday, September 18, at 11:30 p.m.

There is no charge for this event, but love offerings are gratefully accepted. You’ll find Love Offerings of various amounts on the registration page.

For more information on walking a labyrinth, please click here to visit our Labyrinth page.


Please register below for lunch so we have an accurate count to provide food and seating. Please indicate if you prefer a vegetarian or gluten-free option. Registration closes Sunday, September 15, at 11:30 p.m. Thank you.

register button


Please register below for the Keynote Address and Labyrinth Walk. Registration closes Wednesday, September 18, at 11:30 p.m. Thank you.

register button